
Love Revolution are committed to ensuring appropriate privacy standards are maintained to protect the personal information you provide when you access and use our website. We will collect personal details from you such as your name, email address and general contact details.

Use of Personal Information

With your approval, this information may be used:

    • To send news, information about our activities and general promotional material which we believe may be useful to you
    • To deliver any products to you which you purchase from Love Revolution
    • To monitor who is accessing the website or using services offered on the website
    • To profile the type of people accessing the website.

If you do not wish to have your personal information used in this manner or for any other specific purposes, you can contact us accordingly.

All private information supplied by customers to Love Revolution including names, addresses, Paypal details, and email addresses will not be shared or sold to third party companies. Love revolution only use your supplied email address to contact you about special offers only if you select this option.

Love Revolution does not engage in the practice of “spamming”. Promotional material will only be sent to you with your consent.